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The War on Christmas

Knock this crap off.

By Johann HollarPublished 5 years ago 4 min read
The War on Christmas

It's that time of the year again.

You put up your Christmas trees, hang a wreath, maxing out your credit card buying crap that will only satisfy your family members for one year and even getting that holiday ham to stick into the oven. The best time of the year for some of us

But for a certain group of people (using the term loosely here), it a bunch of political/religious B.S. They claim that by saying, "Happy Holidays" instead of saying "Merry Christmas" that you hate the holidays. This is something you would expect from a bunch of morons who have nothing better to do than hate and remain ignorant of the facts.

The History Behind It

The stupid concept of the 'war on Christmas' came from some anti-immigration dirtbag Peter Brimelow, who believed that government and big business were trying to formulate an anti-Christian agenda against Christmas

Former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly was the one who is truly responsible for why this kind of garbage is going on. Claiming this every year since 2005 and establishing the whole "saying Happy Holidays makes you a soldier in the war against Christmas."

Christmas wasn't always for Christians.

A rather obvious statement, but nevertheless a true statement.

The holiday was never adopted as a Christian holiday until the 4th century CE by the newly converted Christian Romans. Until they did, the holiday was known as Saturnalia, in honour of the Roman God Saturn (also known as Cronos in Greek Mythology)

It was primarily used as a means for honouring such a deity and hoping for a better spring for better agriculture. slaves were also given temporary chances at being the masters

The use of Christmas trees was due in fact that many Roman pagans often worshipped trees and that the Romans made it common for Christmas trees to be around the homes.

The Yule log was from the Nordic speaking countries and they burned them in hopes of the sun returning. The logs would take 12 days to burn, so that must be where the 12 days of Christmas comes from (prove me wrong if you can).

The Greed and Stupidity that Comes with the Holidays

The fact that greed is one of the seven deadly sins clearly doesn't seem to bother a lot of people during the holidays. People buy so much crap that they would get bored of before next Christmas, that they are even willing to go as far as committing crimes.

I know shopping can be hectic during the holidays, but that is no excuse to beat up a guy over the last toy you want for your kid, to kill a guy over the last parking spot (Check out the MAD magazine Special Collector's Edition Stocking Stuffer) or even shoplifting some electronics.

How the Holiday is Promoted

I know many of you are aware of the Starbucks incident. The company had served many of the customer's cups that were red and some idiot fundamentalist by the name of Josh Feuerstein went on a rant about it. this moron wasn't the only one to complain.

Some moron complained that Santa and his elves weren't being used at a mall (which has nothing to do with Christ).

One fact that the morons who call themselves Christians don't realize is that some of the most popular Christmas songs are done by people of the Jewish faith.

Frank Loesser who did "Baby, It's Cold Outside," Irving Berlin "White Christmas," Johnny Marks "Rocking Around the Christmas Tree," "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer," and "Holly Jolly Christmas" were of the Hebrew faith.


There never has been a war on Christmas. What it happens to be is a typical "us versus them" mentality that white-Christian Americans use to justify being morons.

Films like Last Ounce of Courage depict the notion that celebrating traditional Christmas is a crime and that groups like the ACLU are out to enforce the ban on Christmas.

Long, story short: I don't have time for this kind of anti-intellectual, bigoted, materialistic crap that the right-wing dung-eaters and phoney Christians try to promote Christmas as.

I have EVERY intention of celebrating the holidays peacefully with my family, being financially conservative with my purchase of items for my family and unlike many so-called Christians, I am giving winter clothing and food to the less fortunate.

So to you my liberal buddies, proud democrats and those who do not celebrate Christmas I say to you:

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


About the Creator

Johann Hollar

I had attended Minnesota State University Mankato where I received my Bachelors in History with a Minor in Philosophy. I currently work at the Woodbury Village Target as a Stocker when I am not writing you all such interesting stories.

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