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How Free Are You?

The Truth About Your Freedoms

By Tony CampbellPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
We could fix everything by being America's first

The real issues with life in America aren't as cut and dry as most would have you believe; however, it's also not as complicated as others who lead you to believe. In America right now, the majority of the population lives either under or right on the poverty line. Many would ask why that is, and the very basic answer would be, our government. Reading on, you'll see a very compelling argument on the corruption and over powering control of the United States government.

The overpowering control our government has on its people is something similar to what Stalin and Hitler had in their heyday. The only difference is our government conceals this control by making it look optional. It's really a great trick once you break it down and look around at all the “options” you actually have. Do you enjoy going to work everyday, only to finally get that paycheck to see over a quarter of it is missing? The government would lead you to believe that these taxes are necessary to a thriving civilization, even though up until WWI we never paid a single income tax, and still had roads. We also still had public school and fire departments, so how has things changed so drastically that we now need these taxes to survive? The short answer is we don't, but how is the president or members of congress going to afford that third house or million dollar vacation without it. Our government has churned out more millionaires than any other industry in the country. So they tell you that you have to volunteer to pay this money or you go to jail, at least you have options. If you decide you're done with paying for all these luxuries and decide to live off the grid, watch out because if you get caught not relying on Uncle Sam, you'll be fined and your land will be stolen from you.

Now that you more in love than ever before with your government, let's discuss the corruption and slight of hand going on. So every four or so years, we get the freedom of choosing our next owner and king. Every time this process comes around your TV is flooded with ads about how republicans will do this and democrats will do that. What you don't get to see is the handshake behind the scenes with both parties. It's all a sham to keep all the power and control in the same place instead of giving it back to the people. I'll give you a glimpse into what a country with a truly free people would look like in a bit. The corruption doesn't stop here though because now we get into the lobbyist that hand over millions to individual congressmen and women in return they pass bills to help these companies. Along with this, there's the missing billions from the pentagon and other government agencies like F.E.M.A, who has also lost more than a billion dollars of taxpayers money. This is just the tip of the corruption iceberg, but we just don't have enough time in the day to uncover it all.

Now, as promised, I'm going to lift back the curtain on a long lost ideal of a country full of free citizens. The first major difference would be a major shortage of laws controlling the people, and a boom in the free market. Another major change would be in the quality of our food with farmers no longer forced to places harmful chemicals on crops and tied down with bogus regulations. Next would be the quality of life and overall happiness of all citizens, no matter color or background. Without the government sticking their grubby hands in everything, communities can work together without fear of big brother stepping in and shutting it down. We would become a more independent people after being released from the forceful dependency of the government. Money would have less of an impact on everyday life as open markets would introduce more of a swap meet or bargain atmosphere.

In close, I would like for the citizens of this country and another deciding to migrate over to try to blend together. Be proud of your background and heritage, but realize we are all Americans first and we should be able to come together in any community and try to make this a utopia, even with the government stepping on our backs. The more we come together the stronger we become.


About the Creator

Tony Campbell

i am a 28 year old dad to two amazing kids and a fiance to the most amazing mother and spouse in the world. im also a medic student and soon to be a volunteer firefighter

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