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Rights of the First Amendment

As it Is Written

By Iria Vasquez-PaezPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

There are a number of countries where freedom of assembly is not allowed, like China. In the United States, we are lucky we get to live in a country that doesn’t have a national religion established, although some Christians seem to feel the national religion is supposed to be whatever version of Christianity they believe in. This Amendment was adopted into the Bill of Rights in 1791. Freedom of religion is the very foundation the United States established by the Founding Fathers, although in some cases like cults, the government has to intervene if people are put in awkward or dangerous positions.

We also value freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Freedom of the press doesn’t necessarily involve slander, the only truth that some can take as slander. The government can prohibit speech that causes violence. The right to assemble peacefully, in a legal manner, is all covered by the First Amendment to our Constitution. Right now, the country is not taking our right to petition our government seriously, as it should be taken. This is because of 45 and how he’s handling everything or not handling what he needs to handle with a bit more finesse.

Even Republicans see what is going on. They upload the rule of law unless they are alt-right and support what happens in our government right now. The First Amendment, however, doesn’t mean that hate speech can be something people do to each other. You cannot yell “fire,” in a crowded theater because that may cause a stampede. There is a difference between “hate speech” and “fighting words,” for example. It can be a crime to attack somebody who is Christian, Jewish, or Muslim because of what they cannot help.

You can’t help having a disability, your looks, or other things protected under this law, which you can leave to your imagination. What is it about people who attack situations that cannot be helped? Bigoted speech has to be dealt with in the confines of the situation at the workplace, for example. Hateful speech really shouldn’t be tolerated. It means that a person wants to go after situations that the victim cannot change like his or her skin color. It is hard to say that hate speech falls under the category of freedom of speech. Freedom of speech really means that I disagree with you but I defend to the death the right to disagree with you and for you to express yourself despite the fact I strongly disagree with you.

To preserve our freedom of speech, we have to be responsible with it. You can’t just go criticizing people who write articles in an honest manner. Some journalists do not have it easy with this. It is hard to maintain an atmosphere of journalistic inquiry due to the fact that freedom of speech is under attack by certain people. Our First Amendment rights need to be safeguarded. We all have to do our part with this.

Freedom of speech protects you from government censorship, not private organizations. Private employers do punish people for something they say if they feel it isn’t helpful to the company image or way too controversial. Freedom of speech is a truly cherished American tradition. We wrap ourselves around it. But we cannot use it to hurt other people. Freedom of speech doesn’t give you the right to defame somebody with stuff that isn’t true. It means that you can criticize them but not make lies up about somebody. At that point, you have restricted your first amendment rights. You have the right to freedom of speech but you also have a responsibility.

Works Cited

First Amendment Explained

First Amendment: An Overview

No, There's No "Hate Speech" Exception to the First Amendment


About the Creator

Iria Vasquez-Paez

I have a B.A. in creative writing from San Francisco State. Can people please donate? I'm very low-income. I need to start an escape the Ferengi plan.

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