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Reason First: Should More Than Just Marijuana Be Legalized?

The Prohibition on narcotics has been a disaster. Will legalizing every drug in the war on inanimate objects change things for the better?

By Skyler SaundersPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

Marijuana is the du jour semi-legal drug in America today as far as a push for federal legalization is concerned. But why not other drugs? Can’t heroin and opioids be legalized and freely available, respectively. Why is it that drugs like cocaine receive negative views even in vicious ones, even though they’re only substances?

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It is the human being that must make the decision to either use or not to use. So many drug dealers, and manufacturers, and users remain locked behind bars due to the brutality of the War on Drugs, yet another example attacking or attempting to combat inanimate objects.

“Freeway” Rick Ross at his highest point earned $3 million a day selling crack cocaine. While he only received a prison sentence for conspiracy, his legacy as a proficient drug lord continues. Minus the draconian drug laws, the gunplay, and bribery, and extortion, the game would be alright. In an interview with Vlad TV, Ross painted a picture of police brutality. He said that a sheriff nicknamed “El Diablo” used tactics like putting plastic bags over the heads of Ross’ associates and even electrocuted more men. Now, without the mystique of the hustle, “Freeway” Rick Ross recounted how harshly those police officers acted during those days of drug dealing.

While the narcotic drug trade is far from being an honorable career (it’s the sale of poison that pollutes the mind) honor, integrity, and business sense can arise from the various ways of moving illicit (for now) drugs. If the United States federal government could just see and allow for the free flow of drugs to exist in America, there would be a groundswell of people waiting to make profits not just off of marijuana, but every controlled substance that has a schedule attached to it. It should not be taxed like income shouldn’t be taxed federally, state, or otherwise. And if there is a surge in addiction, private clinics, and health centers would rise up all over the land.

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There would be no dirty cop stories associated with drugs, as the police would be able to do their one job: protect law-abiding citizens from domestic criminals. All of the talk about torture tactics and the ugliness of the drug game would come to a halt. The homicide rates would plummet roving gangs and cartels would have be spurred to engage in legitimate businesses. Who has ever killed someone over fifty cartons of menthol cigarettes? Now, imagine if cigarettes became illegal. The consequences would be horrific. In the height of the Prohibition of alcohol, more police officers died than in any other period of American history. It is telling that the narcotics Prohibition has cost the lives of cops in the process as well. Though it may be fewer, their murders would’ve never taken place if the daft drug had not been established.

For Ross and so many like him who saw the opportunity of being a hustler typified riches for scores of men and women who shared the same idea. With the obsession over marijuana some say that “no one has ever overdosed on marijuana.” Be certain that people have every right to destroy their own bodies and minds, politically. Ethically, this is an absolute negative. Drugs should be legal to use and unregulated as far as the amount that an adult of the age of eighteen should be able to manufacture, distribute, sell, and consume. The pathway forward is to consider the tales of Ross and other people who either escaped prison time or saw barbed-wire fences from behind the wall as well.

It will take decades most likely for America and the world to recognize that that drugs aren’t the problem. The root of most drug abuse is a depleted self esteem. An individual who deems himself or herself unfit for existence or wants to escape from reality will run to drugs to satisfy both of these urges. The casual snorter of cocaine or heroin user who injects between their toes and never gets behind a wheel of a vehicle and just wants to get high on their living ought to be allowed. The distributors of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, and other substances should make a career move to traditional businesses to be moral entrepreneurs. The contest to full legalization might be challenging but it can be won.


About the Creator

Skyler Saunders

Cash App: $SkylerSaunders1


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