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The Abyss We Are In

By Dr. WilliamsPublished 6 years ago 5 min read

Due to foreseen events, the world has become a meaner, more hostile place. Trumpism has given credibility to the madness. The lust for power and wealth by men have always given way to the anguish so many suffer. And too many suffer still. The words of Thomas Jefferson have no place in the America we see today. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, well, it is suffice to say they have all been taken away. They have been replaced by an oligarchy rule. An oligarchy rule that has tarnished the respectability and shattered the credibility that was our birthright when our founding fathers first penned the Constitution.

As a child of the 50s, the serenity of my childhood evoked a calmer more thought-provoking demure. This was when the pace of life was much slower for it gave time for reason and sanity compared to the insanity of now. And, yet there continues to be no authentic groundswell movement to rid ourselves of the status-quo. A status-quo that is a cancer on this nation. Sure, there is that lone wolf, Senator Sanders, who has tried to galvanize national support for much-needed reforms. But, unfortunately, the mind frame of many can't seem to grasp the cold harsh realities facing this nation.

When we have leaders and much of the public too blind to see, too oblivious to care, too ignorant to face the facts, and too unscrupulous to know what is needed, these are all the ingredients needed for the impending disaster. The lust for power, control, and wealth has turned the United States into a juggernaut of insatiable appetites for more power, control, and wealth. The embezzlement of American tax dollars, as well as the fleecing of the American dream, has only further entrenched the oligarchy rule. Today, the rule of law is squarely stacked against the majority of Americans. One cannot help wonder: are America's best days are behind her? The status-quo of today suggests that just maybe some 60 years ago weren't so bad after all.

I wonder how many realize what Thomas Paine wrote about over 200 years ago? He stated quite profoundly, "a republic is supposed to be directed by certain fundamental principles of right and justice, from which there cannot be any deviation. It is executed by a select number of persons, who act as representatives and in behalf of the whole, and who are supposed to govern as the people would do were they all assembled together. When a people agree to form themselves into a republic they mutually resolve and pledge themselves to each other, rich and poor alike and to support this rule of equal justice among them. A republic properly understood, is a sovereignty of justice, in contradistinction to the sovereignty of will."

Things have changed since Thomas Paine. Now, we have to ask ourselves did we as a people allow America to degenerate to the point of insolvency and ruin? Did we allow the creation of an economic system based on a foundation of greed and fraud? Did we allow an oligarchy bureaucracy dictate to the American people and the world that they alone know what is best not for the country but in reality for themselves? This latest blunder by Trump in regards to Iran just shows the kind of mentality we have running this country today. This decision alone will affect every American's wallet as the cost of living will only continue to push more Americans into poverty if they are not already there.

Not only do we have to contend with this latest travesty on the American public but we still have to deal with the ramifications of the past 2008 financial crisis. We have to remember just what transpired in 2008 by governmental intervention of that financial crisis to realize just how deceitful our own government really is. When the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act was enacted, essentially the Quantitative Easing by the Federal Reserve, it pumped billions of fresh cash into the same financial institutions that started the financial crisis in the first place, all arranged behind closed doors on Capitol Hill.

This EESA in actuality did defraud the American public. It rewarded the financial gurus on Wall Street while ignoring the plight of Main Street where millions of Americans are still suffering. The deceit was right from the start when both parties overwhelmingly voted on the passage of Emergency Economic Stabilization Act stating that this Act was going to insulate Main Street and everyday Americans from the mess that Wall Street created. When actually this Act did the exact opposite. It was both parties that rejected a $56 billion stimulus package that would have extended unemployment benefits, increased food aid, and would have funded new construction projects to create much need well-paying jobs in a time when the country was reeling from this financial disaster.

Today, the after-effects of governmental deception are still being felt all across the country. Our infrastructure is at a point that is putting more lives in danger every day, homelessness is a national disgrace, and the plight of millions where there are so many underemployed is threatening the economic stability of the United States. To top it off, we have both political parties that are so inept at understanding what is actually needed to rid ourselves of the quagmire that the US is in. They are completely oblivious to the facts that have made the United States government the instrument of the power elite. The lust for power, control, and wealth by an oligarchy ruling class has only deepened the Abyss that the US has fallen into. Then, of course, there is the Trump Administration who continues to be the epitome of ineptness to the needs of the United States and the world that he is putting not only America in harm's way, but has made the world that much more unstable.

We the people have to always remember the writings of Thomas Paine and the rest of our founding fathers and put into practice the rudiments of what they epitomized when our nation was founded. Only when we get back to the roots of our founding will the United States break free of the stranglehold of a government that is siphoning off the lifeblood of our nation and threatening the stability of the world.


About the Creator

Dr. Williams

A PhD in Economics. Author of National Economic Reform's Ten Articles of Confederation.

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