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Buying into an Agenda

How Lobbyists Influence Our Government, or What I've Learned from Trump and Rubio

By James HowellPublished 6 years ago 5 min read

Mr. Marco Rubio, you were asked by a seventeen year old mass shooting survivor if you would accept any money from the NRA after this. The only answer you could give is that “people buy into my agenda.” You completely deflected the question, which tells me your answer is no. You and your politician friends are the lowest life form on earth. You are beneath scum. Basically, what you told this young man is that the bastards at the NRA support you, they line your pockets with cash, and you continue to do their bidding. This is not an acceptable answer.

I’m glad these teens were able and willing to speak up in a meeting with Rubio, and some were invited to meet with the president. I find it deeply disturbing that the president needed notes on asking about their experiences, and number five on his list were the words “I hear you.” Taking notes during this meeting is one thing, but when you need cue cards to tell you how to act, you probably should not be running the country.

Lobbyists essentially run the elections and campaigns. Politicians make their agenda fit into what the lobbyist want. They are not buying into your agenda, you are freely taking money to keep their corporate interest, so you can be elected. It’s not that hard to figure out. Big oil, the NRA, tobacco companies, and many other large companies do this. It’s no secret. To say that they bought into your agenda is a slap in the face of the 17 who died that day, their families, and the survivors who are willing to stand up and make a change. You can’t ignore them, you can’t make them forget. They will never forget seeing their dead classmates, they will never forget the bloodshed they encountered that day.

The president has tweeted that he will be working with lawmakers to fix the issue, which I wish I could believe. Not long after, he was commending Wayne Lapierre and the NRA as great patriots who would do the right thing. He goes on to blame democrats for not passing laws earlier, and his latest tweet was about fake news during the town hall meeting with Rubio. He doesn’t even know where he is going with half his conversations, and when he does, it’s just shit driveling from his mouth. He would rather bitch about someone kneeling at the national anthem than take action to help keep us safe. It will be nothing but a vicious circle where nothing happens, he blames everyone but himself. It will be the democrats' fault, the media will be lying about him. None of this was his doing.

This type of egomaniacal assclown is running our country folks. He is too busy worrying about Russia and tweeting to take anything going on in the current world seriously. People bought into his agenda when he was elected, they thought he would actually make America great again. So far, hate crimes and mass violence have happened on his watch. Plants are shutting down because of his tax plan. People may not be able to go to a doctor when needed if he gets his way, because they won’t be able to afford it. He wants to deport people who are of a different ethnicity than us White people, and build a massive wall that we will end up paying for as taxpayers. He has called their countries shitholes. People in Puerto Rico still don’t have power and he has done nothing to help this. Now, the immigration office has pulled the words “A nation of immigrants” from their mission statement. You know, because White people have always been here, Native Americans and slavery are all lies.

We now have Lapierre claiming that this is a move to make us a socialist country like the Europeans. This is the head of the NRA, throwing out conspiracies in order to protect his investments. The NRA is about one thing: guns. They don’t care about safety; the deaths mean nothing to them. They sit there and accuse the survivors of threatening them, which is completely unfounded, and these are the people who believe everyone should have a gun constantly using the second amendment as an excuse. I’m not against gun ownership, but I don’t believe everyone should have one. Much like not everybody should be on a forklift or driving a big rig.

I’m not ashamed to say that while I do love my country, I detest and despise everything our government stands for. We are no longer a country of freedom. If you don’t believe me, try going out and doing something that is not taxed or government regulated. The statue of liberty says, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Might as well go ahead and scratch that out. We live in a nation where we would rather arm teachers than solve the core of the problem. Just ask Philando Castile. Oh wait, you can’t. He was murdered after telling a police officer that he had a gun and was a concealed carrier. When the officer asked to see his permit, Philando reached for it, and was murdered by the cop who claimed he feared for his life because he thought he smelt marijuana. Land of the free and home of the brave. What a joke.

The only brave people I’ve seen lately are those who have spoken up to representatives and are forcing their hand to offer a solution. Those teenagers who are walking out of school and protesting, even though they are threatened with expulsion, those are the brave. Keep it up, call the government out and let them know how you feel and what you want. Don’t give up because some lying politician lies to your face with a smile. Keep don’t stop protesting, write letters, call their office. Make sure they know who elected them.

Not draft dodgers like Trump and Lapierre; fuck those guys, fuck the NRA, and fuck the lobbyists who enable death and danger to others, and fuck all their agendas. They were elected to keep us safe and help better our communities — that should be their agenda. Now, children have to do active shooter drills in school. Home of the brave indeed.


About the Creator

James Howell

Father, activist, man in black... He/Him

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